#!/opt/local/bin/ruby # read file and create array. $basearea = [] $hascheckedarea = [] $max_x_size = 0 $max_y_size = 0 open(ARGV[0]) do |file| while l = file.gets $max_y_size += 1 l.chomp! add_array = [] add_check_array = [] for i in 0 .. l.size - 1 add_array += [l[i].chr] add_check_array += [false] end $basearea << add_array if ($max_x_size < add_array.size) $max_x_size = add_array.size end $hascheckedarea << add_check_array end end # main routine def clear_has_checked_array for x in 0 .. ($hascheckedarea.size - 1) for y in 0 .. $hascheckedarea[x].size - 1 $hascheckedarea[x][y] = false end end end def is_equal_char_forpoint(compare_char, point_x, point_y) # debug_str = "checking (x, y) = (" + point_x.to_s + ", " + point_y.to_s + ")" if point_x < 0 || point_y < 0 || point_x >= $max_x_size || point_y >= $max_y_size return false end # p debug_str retvalue = false if $basearea[point_x][point_y] if $hascheckedarea[point_x][point_y] == true # debug_str += (" has been checked ") else $hascheckedarea[point_x][point_y] = true # debug_str += (" is " + $basearea[point_x][point_y]) if compare_char == $basearea[point_x][point_y] retvalue = true else retvalue = false end # debug_str += (retvalue == true) ? "result is true" : "result is false" end end # debug_str += " for ( " + point_x.to_s + ", " + point_y.to_s + ")" # p debug_str retvalue end def measure_continuous_area(base_char, start_point_x, start_point_y) # debug_str = "searching (" + (start_point_x).to_s + ", " + (start_point_y).to_s + ")" # p debug_str retvalue = 1 $hascheckedarea[start_point_x][start_point_y] = true if is_equal_char_forpoint(base_char, start_point_x - 1, start_point_y) retvalue += measure_continuous_area(base_char, start_point_x - 1, start_point_y) end if is_equal_char_forpoint(base_char, start_point_x, start_point_y - 1) retvalue += measure_continuous_area(base_char, start_point_x, start_point_y -1) end if is_equal_char_forpoint(base_char, start_point_x + 1, start_point_y) retvalue += measure_continuous_area(base_char, start_point_x + 1, start_point_y) end if is_equal_char_forpoint(base_char, start_point_x, start_point_y + 1) retvalue += measure_continuous_area(base_char, start_point_x, start_point_y + 1) end retvalue end x_axis = 0 y_axis = 0 conarea_size =[] for x_axis in 0 .. $basearea.size - 1 line_size = [] for y_axis in 0 .. $basearea[x_axis].size - 1 #p $basearea[x_axis][y_axis] clear_has_checked_array() line_size += [measure_continuous_area($basearea[x_axis][y_axis], x_axis, y_axis)] end conarea_size << line_size; end $basearea.each do |array| p array end #conarea_size.each do |array| # p array #end max_area_size = 0 conarea_size.each do |x_array| p x_array x_array.each do |value| if max_area_size < value max_area_size = value end end end #debug_str = "max area size " + max_area_size.to_s #p debug_str conarea_size.each do |x_array| count = 0 x_array.each do |value| if max_area_size == value count += 1 end end p count end
- 各点ごとに最大連結エリアサイズを求めようとしている。
- エリアサイズを求める際に,境界を記録しておく配列 $hascheckedarea (サイズ 600×600)を用意していたが,各点のエリア計算時にクリアしている。
AAB BAA BBAを例にしたとき,A全ての点でおいて最大連結エリアサイズを求めている。この場合,点(0,0)のAの最大連結エリアサイズが判れば,他の点で計算する必要はない。しかも,$hascheckedarea を各点の計算毎にクリアしているので,とんでもない無駄な計算をしてしまった。
回答終了後,DevFest Quizパッチワーク問題の回答 CommonJS編 (電脳戦士ハラキリ -SE道とは死ぬ事と見つけたり)を見て,最大連結エリアを構成する部分集合のうちの1点だけを記録して,最後に答となる点から連結するエリアを塗りつぶせばいいということと(リンク先の配列 maxScoreCells[]と関数 fill()に注目),チェックした領域を1点ごとにクリアしてはいけない ($hascheckedareaを利用しない。そのかわり,$scoreMapで記録する。このscoreMapは全ての点において正しい最大連結エリアの値を保存しているとは限らない) ということを理解して,改訂しました。
#!/opt/local/bin/ruby # read file and create array. $basearea = [] $scoreMap = [] $max_x_size = 0 $max_y_size = 0 # 問題ファイルを読みこみ,元となる配列 $basearea を作成 open(ARGV[0]) do |file| while l = file.gets $max_y_size += 1 l.chomp! add_array = [] add_check_array = [] for i in 0 .. l.size - 1 add_array += [l[i].chr] add_check_array += [-1] end $basearea << add_array if ($max_x_size < add_array.size) $max_x_size = add_array.size end $scoreMap << add_check_array end end def is_equal_char_forpoint(compare_char, point_x, point_y) # debug_str = "checking (x, y) = (" + point_x.to_s + ", " + point_y.to_s + ")" if point_x < 0 || point_y < 0 || point_x >= $max_x_size || point_y >= $max_y_size return false end if $scoreMap[point_x][point_y] != -1 return false # this point has been already checked end # p debug_str retvalue = false if $basearea[point_x][point_y] if compare_char == $basearea[point_x][point_y] retvalue = true else retvalue = false end end # debug_str += " for ( " + point_x.to_s + ", " + point_y.to_s + ")" # p debug_str retvalue end def measure_continuous_area(base_char, start_point_x, start_point_y) # debug_str = "searching (" + (start_point_x).to_s + ", " + (start_point_y).to_s + ")" # p debug_str if $scoreMap[start_point_x][start_point_y] != -1 retvalue = 0 # チェック済みなので計算させない end $scoreMap[start_point_x][start_point_y] = 0 # この作業で点 (start_point_x, start_point_y) はチェック済みであることを表す。 if (base_char == $basearea[start_point_x][start_point_y]) retvalue = 1 end if is_equal_char_forpoint(base_char, start_point_x - 1, start_point_y) retvalue += measure_continuous_area(base_char, start_point_x - 1, start_point_y) end if is_equal_char_forpoint(base_char, start_point_x, start_point_y - 1) retvalue += measure_continuous_area(base_char, start_point_x, start_point_y -1) end if is_equal_char_forpoint(base_char, start_point_x + 1, start_point_y) retvalue += measure_continuous_area(base_char, start_point_x + 1, start_point_y) end if is_equal_char_forpoint(base_char, start_point_x, start_point_y + 1) retvalue += measure_continuous_area(base_char, start_point_x, start_point_y + 1) end retvalue end x_axis = 0 y_axis = 0 maxScore = 0 maxScorePoint = [] for x in 0 .. $basearea.size - 1 for y in 0 .. $basearea[x_axis].size - 1 #p $basearea[x_axis][y_axis] # clear_has_checked_array() score = measure_continuous_area($basearea[x][y], x, y) if (maxScore < score) maxScore = score maxScorePoint = [[x, y]] elsif (maxScore == score) maxScorePoint += [[x, y]] end end end $basearea.each do |array| p array end def fill(x, y, chr) if ($basearea[x][y] != chr) return end $basearea[x][y] = '_' fill(x+1, y, chr) fill(x, y+1, chr) fill(x-1, y, chr) fill(x, y-1, chr) end maxScorePoint.each do |point| x = point[0] y = point[1] fill(x, y, $basearea[x][y]) end $basearea.each do |array| p array end $basearea.each do |array| cnt = 0 array.each do |chr| if chr == '_' cnt += 1 end end p cnt end結果,10秒程度で実行完了。自分の無能さを実感した日でした。